
Choose from a selection of wordplay puzzles to print and play offline. Brainteasers, anagrams, crypto-quotes, hub words, syllacrostic, word ladder puzzles. WordPlay Caf is a free, downloadable book for educators and homeschoolers. A Parent's Choice Award winner. A short mnemonic for remembering the first seven decimal digits of pi is How I wish I could calculate pi (C. Heckman, pers. comm., Feb. 3, 2005). Eight digits. Redditor Brettera hung a bicycle wheel in front for her Halloween costume. It doesn't make much sense by itself, but as you can see in this gallery. Toggle message bar. Apps; Shop; Parents; TV Times; Settings; To play the interactive games and videos on this site, you'll need the FREE Flash player version 9 or higher. Write your best story. Change your life. Astound the world. BORED? Play our free word games – INTERACTIVE HANGMAN Palindromes Palindromes are words or phrases that read the same in both directions, e.g. EYE,or RACECAR Brain Candy is a collection of intelligent Humor, unusual Riddles, celebrity insults, collected quotations, Jokes, clever Wordplay and Mind games. Called one of the most influential men in America, the Notre Dame president was a friend to Dr. King and Presidents. Dive into the rich world of Shakespeare with our full-text, interactive editions of his plays. myShakespeare replaces traditional footnotes with multimedia resources. The two 5x5 palindrome squares below were discovered by Daniel Austin (The Fun-with-words.com Editor) in November 2000. Farad and Daraf are physical units relating. Pun-lovers, rejoice—these wordplay jokes are sure to induce more laughter than you're ready for. Jokesters, you've been warned. アナグラム作成支援システム アナグラムにしたい文字列を入力してください。漢字等が混ざっても良いですが、半角英数字. Origin of the Sioux word Wasichu. American Indian cultures What's new on our site today! Setting the Record Straight About Native Languages: Wasichu. 完全パングラム作成支援システム あ行、か行、さ行、た行、な行、は行、ま行、や、ゆ、よ、ら行、わ、を、ん、の46文字. Why most mission statements are dumb — and how to write one that isn’t.